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J: "내일 바로 Tears of the Kingdom 시작할거야!"
젤다 야생의 숨결을 끝마친 녀석의 여유.
<Philosophical Investigations> by Ludwig Wittgenstein |
But is it also conceivable that there be a language in which a person could write down or give voice to his inner experiences a his feelings, moods, and so on a for his own use? —– Well, can’t we do so in our ordinary language? —– But that is not what I mean. The |89| words of this language are to refer to what only the speaker can know - to his immediate private sensations. So another person cannot understand the language. (#243, emphasis mine.)
For “sensation” is a word of our common language, which is not a language intelligible only to me. So the use of this word stands in need of a justification which everybody understands. (...) But such a sound is an expression only in a particular language-game, which now has to be described. (#261, emphasis mine.)
When one says “He gave a name to his sensation”, one forgets that much must be prepared in the language for mere naming to make sense. And if we speak of someone’s giving a name to a pain, the grammar of the word “pain” is what has been prepared here; it indicates the post where the new word is stationed. (#257, emphasis mine.)
But justification consists in appealing to an independent authority. (#265, emphasis mine.)
복수성(plurality), 개방성(openness), 오류 가능성(fallibility).
<Philosophical Investigations> by Ludwig Wittgenstein |
And in the same way, we also use the word “read” for a family of cases. And in different circumstances we apply different criteria for a person’s reading. (#164)
To follow a rule, to make a report, to give an order, to play a game of chess, are customs (usages, institutions).To understand a sentence means to understand a language. To understand a language means to have mastered a technique. (#199)
That’s why ‘following a rule’ is a practice. And to think one is following a rule is not to follow a rule. And that’s why it’s not possible to follow a rule ‘privately’; otherwise, thinking one was following a rule would be the same thing as following it. (#202, emphasis mine.)
Following a rule is analogous to obeying an order. One is trained to do so, and one reacts to an order in a particular way. (...) Shared human behaviour is the system of reference by means of which we interpret an unknown language.(#206, emphasis mine.)